In the recent downsizing of my own apparel, I realized the alarming amount of tees that I have accumulated over the years. Among these tees, I found that I had in my possession a few of those dreaded "My friend went to _____, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" tops. I know I'm not the only one who has these lying around the house, and I wanted to give you guys some ideas of what you could do with these all year round.
On the Lakeshore

The first choice in my set is a testament to city that is very near and dear to me - Chicago. Strange Cargo, the company who designed this tee, is a homegrown company. Their Lake Michigan tee is a fresh take on the classic vacation t-shirt. I put together this set with a last ditch celebration of Summer in mind. It is also styled with a vintage twist in mind - of days long past when we traded friendship bracelets and the worst thing we had to worry about was remembering the sunscreen while laying out.
Fall Transition

This is a clear transitional outfit to take you from Summer to Fall. Popping colors make this outfit eye-catching. The fun colors are (not surprisingly) inspired by the New Orleans atmosphere. This set is also extremely functional - a feature that I often appreciate in an outfit.
The Travelin' Man

One of the most important aspects of traveling is being comfortable. Whether your preferred method of transportation is car, train, or plane, casual clothing is a must! It's also important to bring functional clothes while you're out wandering. When I travel, I like to remember to bring a jacket or sweater that can be incorporated into all of the outfits I've packed. Shoes that can go the distance and a versatile backpack are also important to the regular traveler. This Cleveland tee was the inspiration for the men's set. The colors are toned down enough to make the transition for Fall. I've also incorporated a pair of pants that are on trend with the current colored jeans fad.
I hope I was able to give you guys some insight on multipurposing otherwise non-functional pieces to keep your wardrobe small while having limitless outfit possibilities. Feel free to share your own examples of outfit re-purposing with me here or on Facebook.
Until next time!
~ they seek her there
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