Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow Day Links!

I don't know about the rest of you, but right now we are getting HAMMERED with snow in Chicago. I've been able to do nothing this afternoon but sit in my office and just stare at the inches and inches of powdery stuff coming down and covering everything.

While in contemplation, I wanted to give something back to those of you who are stuck inside on this snowy day.

~ Over at my Pinterest, I've assembled some awesome links to vintage DIYs and fashion that some of you might like to check out.

~ Rookie Mag has an article for tips on looking glam (with a vintage twist) in your everyday life!

~ Pop over to A Beautiful Mess for a simple wall art DIY that will waste a little time and allow you to get your creativity on.

~ Like The Hunger Games? A Tumblr has been launched entitled Capitol Couture. Sign up using the password #lookyourbest, and you can receive updates from the site.

~ Now, something for the guys! Visit The Effortless Gent for tips on classy dressing that won't have you reeling in confusion.

~ Finally, something for everyone. Cracked is my favorite internet time waster. Try The 5 Most Insane Original Uses for Famous Products on for size.

How are you celebrating this unexpected snow day? Comment and feel free to link me to some of your favorite time wasting websites.

Until next time.

~ they seek her there

(Image courtesy of bliss-of-seasons on Tumblr)

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