I'm ecstatic to be able to wish you all an official "Happy Summer"! Chicago has had its fair share of muggy and humid 90 degree days in the past few weeks. I've been in "Summer mode" for most of the month of June. Now that it's official. I can give you some great tips on how to pick out clothes for those icky, sticky days without looking dull.

Tanks - $3.88 each (Walmart) *Buy the striped one HERE* Skirt - $11.80 (Forever 21) Shoes - $11.88 (Old Navy) Necklace - $5.80 (Forever 21) Earrings - $1 (Thrifted) Bracelets - $1.99 (Thrifted)
I'm lucky to work in the office that I do. We have a lot of leeway as to what we're allowed to wear in the Summer due to our situation of being sans air conditioner. I hope I've demonstrated with the picture above that it is possible to look classy and stay cool at the same time. I'm wearing complimentary colors (as always) that really exude a "Summery" look without pushing "inappropriate". Something like this is easily dressed up with the flats I've chosen, and the simple and bordering on neutral accessories. They serve to accentuate the outfit and don't push it overboard. Sometimes that is easy to do with brightly colored outfits such as these.
Have your own tips for dressing up (or down) in the Summer? Feel free to leave comments here or on Facebook.
Until next time!
~ they seek her there
I have had ample experience in dealing with uncomfortably hot environments during the Summer months. I work at a public school, and because the building is so old there is NO AIR CONDITIONING in my office. It's a bit of a problem to say the least. Chicago Summers can be some of the worst out there. One needs to pull out all of their fashion tricks that have to do with staying cool in order to survive. Let me share a few with you...
1) Breathable material
Top - $2.49 (Thrifted)
Shorts - Gift (Old Navy)
Shoes - $5 (Thrifted)
Necklace - $3.80 (Forever 21)
Earrings - $1 (Thrifted)
Bracelets - $6.80 (Forever 21)
This top may look like it has longer sleeves than would normally be comfortable in the Summer, but it's incredibly light. One of the best kind of shirts you can find at a thrift store are old silk shirts from the 1980s like this one. They often have fun patterns and look great tucked into a pare of high waisted shorts. They also don't break the bank! I purchased this one on a Salvation Army shopping trip a few weeks ago along with four other shirts that were all $2.49 each! You really can't beat that...
2) Bright colors
I'm sure we've all heard this in our grade school science classes, but lighter colors absorb less heat energy than dark colors. We also look more vibrant sporting bright colors when it's constantly sunny out. As the Summer wears on, many of us normally acquire a healthy tan and can graduate to wearing lighter colors that we'd be unable to wear any other time of the year. Take advantage of this!
3) Minimal layers

I'm lucky to work in the office that I do. We have a lot of leeway as to what we're allowed to wear in the Summer due to our situation of being sans air conditioner. I hope I've demonstrated with the picture above that it is possible to look classy and stay cool at the same time. I'm wearing complimentary colors (as always) that really exude a "Summery" look without pushing "inappropriate". Something like this is easily dressed up with the flats I've chosen, and the simple and bordering on neutral accessories. They serve to accentuate the outfit and don't push it overboard. Sometimes that is easy to do with brightly colored outfits such as these.
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