I couldn't tell you how many fashion blogs I follow which had comprehensive featurettes on how to bridge Summer to Fall looks back in September. Transitioning seasons while re-purposing clothes never fails to be a hot issue. It's also a technique that really encompasses the main idea of my blog - low prices and great looks.
I'm becoming alarmingly aware of the seasonal transition which is probably going to happen a lot sooner than later. I'm already finding myself wearing a lighter jacket and it's nearly March. For the sake of all of our wardrobes and budgets, I wanted to give you an example of a successful "bridging the gap" outfit for Winter to Spring.

Sweater - $4.99 (Thrifted)
Dress - $12.99 (Thrifted)
Belt - $8.00 (Ebay)
Tights - $5.00 (Target)
Belt - $8.00 (Ebay)
Tights - $5.00 (Target)
Boots - $11.00 (Wet Seal)
Earrings - $3.00 (Forever 21)
Bracelet - Gifted
Earrings - $3.00 (Forever 21)
Bracelet - Gifted
Now, I'll admit that I cheated a bit on this outfit as I was wearing it in early February, but we have had a mild Winter for Chicago. It hasn't been hard to get a taste of the fast approaching Spring weather.
There are a few key things that you must pay attention to in this outfit in order to get your transitioning practice down...
1) Incorporate colors associated with the upcoming season
Again with the colors? Yes, yes, I know. Really, though, fashion's focal point truly is color scheme. I can only ever begin to tell you how important having a handle on colors this will be the second year in recent memory when pastels are a big deal for Spring. We're also going to be seeing neon accents if my sources are correct. In order to not make one overwhelmed by the "brighter" details of this look, I decided on my accessories as an appropriate display of the Spring color palette. You can choose any color that seems to compliment. Aquamarine just happened to match...
2) Patterns
I know you can't quite see it in this picture, but underneath that knit sweater I'm wearing a dusky rose colored dress that has lace and floral detail. These are essential touches in a Spring piece as I'm finding florals are also due to be "in" again this year. Find a "lighter" pattern which reflects the mood of the upcoming season to mix with your current wardrobe norm.
3) Don't forget about the season at hand
Make sure your base reflects the current season for which your outfit is appropriate. The fur lined winter boots, knit sweater, and dark green tights serve as my "grounding" element in the outfit.
In the coming days, I'll be detailing my wild ride of a trip to Los Angeles. Keep checking back!
Until next time!
~ they seek her there
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