Why all the pomp and circumstance for this specific post? What exotic location did I sweep off to during Fashion Week? Have I built up your curiosity quite yet? I should hope so! Well, now would be the time for the big reveal...
I spent the last week in L.A.!
Why you might ask? Well...I was at Gallifrey One...
Right now, I expect you to be staring at your computer screens in relative confusion. Don't worry, you're in the majority. You see, the one side of me you all get to view on this blog is my fashion forward/loudly creative/strangely daring side. The other side of me is less apparent. Today, you will all be privy to my glaringly geeky side.
I'm a little bit of a pop culture buff in my "other life". This includes being a unhealthily enthusiastic fan of a British sci-fi show called Doctor Who. Feel free to click on the link for a better explanation than I could possibly give on this blog. Okay, so you know what Doctor Who is, but what about Gallifrey One? Gallifrey One (or Gally - as goers affectionately call it) is a huge gathering of fans of this show. There we socialize, find ourselves in intellectual discussions, sing karaoke, and even costume. Yes, costume!
What does this have to do with fashion? Beside one of the websites on my Blogroll doing not one, but two, of their own posts on looks inspired by the show, there are an incredible amount of fans who wish to recreate and design costumes from the series to wear for their own benefit. As much as it is not focused on, costuming is a significant building block in the game of fashion. I'll draw the parallels for you.
1) Sketches
Every person who wants a well-executed costume or wants to launch a collection knows the importance of sketching. It's the first step of transferring the vision of your creation from the internal to the external. There, you get to express your color schemes, fabrics, cuts, and anything else necessary to the construction of your piece. For the costumer, it might be most important to transfer the necessary details of the original along with a bit of personal flare. For the designer, it's all about getting their personal vision across. Whatever the purpose, the endgame is the same - the artist displaying their work for the public. Whether your medium is the catwalk or convention hallway, there is a desire to make yourself known as a creator.
2) Labels
Because of the influx of "younger" companions to the Doctor coupled with a brilliant costume department at the BBC, many major clothing labels have been worn by characters on the show in the last six years. Brands such as Topshop, Free People, All Saints, American Apparel, and Uniqlo can be see on the main players.

(Left to right): Rose Tyler wearing the scarf, River Song sporting the heels, and Amy Pond modeling the sweatshirt.
In addition to costumers and collectors alike wanting the pieces seen in the show, they are also very happy with look-a-likes. Forever 21, Wet Seal, Miss Selfridge, Charlotte Russe, ASOS, and even department stores are only some of the places avid searchers have located pieces that resemble their favorites from the series.
Even men (Yes men!) can take a lesson in fashion from this series. The Tenth and Eleventh Doctors have clean, tailored looks with eye-catching details. The Tenth Doctor wears a suit and Converse while the Eleventh Doctor almost always sports a bow tie.

3) The Thrifting Connection
I'm sure you haven't failed to notice as my readers that I include quite a few thrifting pieces in my everyday wardrobe. When costumers, for an event like this, search for pieces they want to spend the least amount of money. Thrifting is your best option to do it on the cheap. The most ideal way for you to thrift for costume pieces is to also look for the items you can incorporate into your everyday wardrobe. It is possible, it just requires a little forethought. Whether it's a belt, jacket, or pair of pants - this is achievable! Planning out what your looking for ahead of time is not a bad idea, nor is carrying reference pictures around with you. I've heard it all!
I hope I've been able to successfully tie the world of fandom costuming (Or cosplaying - there I said it!) to fashion, and immerse you a bit into the world of Doctor Who.
Feel free to comment here or send pictures of cosplaying you've done that might tie into your everyday ensemble!
Until next time!
~ they seek her there
P.S. - Welcome to all of my new readers due to last week's convention! I'm so glad to have you.